Pro-Constitution, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, and usually with an attempt at historical and economic context ************************13th Year ----- 2009-2021*****

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Can and Should Trump End Mueller's Witch Hunt Now?

By Eddie Howell

Will President Trump fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller? Can he? There are plenty of opinions being currently published addressing these questions. What would be the results of firing Mueller? Or the results of not firing him?

My own thoughts on this begin with the fact, as I believe it is a fact, that the Mueller investigation is a sham, a charade, and a witch hunt designed to destroy Donald Trump. It is an investigation in search of a crime. It is entirely unfair to the president and harmful to America. It is a drain on American taxpayers' money and resources which should be used to go after actual criminals.

Liberal law professor Alan Dershowitz has interesting comments on the problems of special counsel investigations and prosecutors going too far in looking for a crime in violation of the rights of people they are investigating. (YouTube video dated 07/22/2017)

Peter Beinart at The Atlantic thinks that the Trump team may regard firing Mueller as a good move, and I think that's probably correct. An article by Doyle McManus in The Los Angeles Times says, as do others, that if Trump moved to fire Mueller, it would bring on a constitutional crisis. A New York Times article headline says “Trump Can't Just Fire Mueller,”

It's in the interest of the Anti-Trump Witch Hunt to say that Trump can't fire Mueller and that if he did (or tried), it would bring on dire consequences. The Swamp seems to think the Trump presidency could not survive an attempt to fire Mueller, and hopes that if he doesn't fire the special counsel, Mueller will dig up enough dirt, real or imagined, to force Trump out and destroy his life as much as possible.

So, as Trump understands, regarding the Mueller investigation, he (Trump) is between a rock and a hard place. Should he suffer the consequences of removing Mueller now, or wait until Mueller announces his findings, which, whatever the facts may be, will be designed to damage Trump as much as possible. Trump, in making a decision to fire or not to fire, must choose between those two alternatives. Or so it seems to me.

I do not accept the statement that Trump cannot legally fire Mueller. His army of lawyers can figure out how to manipulate and exploit the regulations to accomplish Mueller's firing legally and effectively. The president has authority concerning regulations and their enforcement. He is head of the Executive Branch of government. Mueller is under the authority of the Executive Branch. The legal niceties can certainly be dealt with and the firing accomplished if the president decides to do it. What Mr. Trump must be concerned about is which choice is the better in terms of risk of damage to himself and America. Most of his voters still support him strongly. GOP members of Congress may speak against firing Mueller, but most Republican voters would support it, understanding that Mueller's role is simply part of the Swamp's hysterical hate campaign to destroy Trump, facts or no facts.

A Politico article by Matthew Nussbaum lists ways Trump could fire Mueller. It is not true that Trump can't fire Mueller. The article also suggests that if he did, Congress could bring back an independent counsel statute and bring back Mueller to continue, beyond Trump's grasp.

Congress would have to have a veto-proof majority for that to happen.

Another idea for Trump, if he wants to fire Mueller, might be to get Attorney General Jeff Sessions to un-recuse himself and fire Mueller. Then shut down the FBI Russia investigation.

The globalists and establishment denizens of the Swamp are determined to get rid of Trump, and they very well may yet do it whether Trump fires Mueller or not. But they may also be making a very big mistake if they think they can defeat Trump easily.

I would like see Mueller shown the exit. I think Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein should be fired as well. I hope he won't fire Sessions. But the only one who can or should make a final decision about firing Mueller is President Trump. It's not a question of whether he can do it, but, for the sake of his presidency and America, whether he should.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

The Road to Destruction

By Eddie Howell

The leftists try to portray President Trump as a divisive figure. They try to blame him for the turmoil in Washington, when they bear much more responsibility than he. The left is orchestrating an unprecedented hate campaign against the president in an attempt to destroy him and his presidency. In doing this, they are employing tactics not unlike the left-wing revolutionaries of the 1960's complete with criminal acts including threats of violence against the president by public figures, approval of violent rioting by “antifa” paid thugs, and illegal leaks of classified information.The criminal activity is on the left, not the right. Yet the Democrats keep chasing their dream of some kind of Trump collusion with Russia which, they hope, would lead to impeachment, or worse.

The violence mentioned is directed at Trump supporters who dare to speak up in public against the leftist criminal element which currently still has charge of much of Washington, D.C. Democrats do their best to delay and stop Trump's agenda items at every turn. Even the GOP establishment is frequently showing themselves to be a true part of the D.C. Swamp. The loyal opposition is no longer loyal, to their duties or to America. Through the Clintons and other avenues, the Democrats likely have more shady foreign connections than Trump would ever have. Nothing has been proven thus far from Mueller and the Anti-Trumpers' Witch Hunt, which so far has only succeeded in harassing people, at great public expense.

I believe President Trump should put an immediate end to Mueller's employment and the whole sham “Russia” investigation. Get FBI top officials who will go after the real criminals Barack Obama and Hilary Clinton – and give James Comey and Loretta Lynch a thorough going over. Get all this junk cleared up so the government can do its job.

The Trump agenda is being delayed by GOP senators as well as Democrats. Mr. McConnell should know by now that the “nuclear option” in the Senate should be employed for all matters. The “filibuster” as currently structured is more of a joke than it is something that befits a deliberative body. It allows the minority to stop legislation with minimal effort and little to no reason.

Given the left's continual pounding against Trump by every available means, what are ordinary Americans supposed to think? That this unbearable conduct should be allowed to continue without any protest? The left, in lockstep, is demonstrating fascist tactics from the highest levels of the Democratic Party on down to the terrorist antifa rioters. When George Soros or some other high-up communist gives the order, the leftist operatives, useful idiots, and so-called journalists of fake news go into attack mode. What is supposed to pass for news is propaganda coordinated with the leftist bosses. It is entirely reasonable to question the patriotism of these people. It appears to be severely lacking. Policy differences cannot account for what they are doing. They are out for destruction.

It should be obvious by now that the Democrat leadership*, as a whole, cares nothing for the American working people or the economy. “America First” is a major turn-off for them. They want to protect, promote, and celebrate every evil thing in our nation, from Islamic terrorism to sexual perversion, to anti-police violence, and whatever anti-American and anti-white thing there is. They want a fascistic system that punishes anything that goes outside of political correctness and makes mandatory whatever supports their radical ideas. This is true fascism. They want an economy based on corporatism with the government in charge. They want to penalize any kind of financial success of legitimate business.

They want socialism, which is the opposite of freedom and is the engine of death. The death culture they support demonstrates a lack of concern for human life despite their attempts to present themselves as compassionate, caring people. 

And what if they succeed and the Swamp prevails? The globalists will run America. Angela Merkel and her ilk will have more control of the U.S. than our elected representatives. Sharia law will be enshrined, borders will be open to all, jobs will disappear and government dependency will increase. The United Nations will have more say-so than our Constitution and structural changes to government will be engineered to silence criticism and conservative influence. Following this would be a catastrophic collapse, with other and hostile countries coming in to pick up the pieces and rule where people had not the courage or moral fiber to maintain our Republic. Meanwhile the globalist elites would sit back and laugh. 

May God deliver us from that kind of fate. Whatever happened to “Give me liberty or give me death!”?

Photo:  Fuel to the Fire
News: Young men throw bottles of beer at burning vehicles as a riot ensues after the funeral of Freddie Gray in Baltimore, April 27, 2015. Gray died April 19 from a severe spinal injury that allegedly occurred while in police custody. Looting and riots broke out in Baltimore after the funeral. The Maryland governor declared a state of emergency. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Kenny Holston.

*Update to correct -- "Democrat leadership" originally read "Democrats." Most Democrats care about working American, and many are working Americans. Apologies.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Anti-Trump Leaders Must Be Viewed with Suspicion

By Eddie Howell

The Democratic Party of today bears little resemblance to the party of previous years. Although its power-grabbing ways can be traced further back than Woodrow Wilson (later, FDR and LBJ), its present unholy alliance with international globalism and anti-capitalism/socialism/communism surpasses any radical tendencies of previous generations.

There are some Democrats who love America and want to preserve our nation and its constitution. But too many have joined the hysterical push to remove Donald Trump at all costs. Donald Trump represents the main resistance to globalism and the main political force for American sovereignty and liberty. Two big heroes of Democrat radicalism today (besides the Clintons) are the late Saul Alinsky and the still-kicking international criminal George Soros. Their track records speak for themselves to anyone who wishes to pay attention.

It is the Democrats and their cronies the mainstream media who have been producing and promoting images and talk of violence against President Trump and his supporters. Their approval of Black Lives Matter and street violence demonstrate their lack of restraint. The shooting of Rep. Scalise at the baseball practice field was a predictable consequence of the Democrats' “resistance” agenda. Their demonic effort to remove Trump from office is a far cry from civil political debate and discourse. No reasonable discussion can be had with many of these radicalized zealots. They have become like terrorists and terrorism supporters when it comes to Mr. Trump.

I am not connected with the organization of Alex Jones (, but I recognize there is truth in what he says about the situation we face in America. The following video illustrates some of the things this article is about, especially in regard to the mainstream media and their very distrurbing efforts against President Trump. His tweets in response are mild considering the unending barrage of fake news trash thrown his way daily.

The leftists have insulted Mr. Trump's supporters, virtually half the country, without let-up. The are not concerned with anyone or anything other than their own rabid political goal, in which they're joined by Hollywood celebrities, and, worse, by academics who are corrupting their young charges in many colleges, universities, and public schools. President Trump and his supporters must remain steadfast and not give in. They must also be aware of the security risks the Democrats and their mindless followers pose to Mr. Trump, and his supporters, and the general public. Rioters must be dealt with decisively, and sufficient force must be brought to bear just to maintain public safety. People who beat up others must be punished. College students and professors who commit crimes must be brought to justice.

Citizens should demand that colleges that abuse the rights of their students, faculty, invited guests, or the public should be sanctioned by defunding, boycotting, and other appropriate means. What the globalist elites want, and what the hysterical anti-Trumpers are working toward (some unwittingly) is somehow forcing Trump from office, then getting our country put under some level of martial law. The globalist elites do not care what the human costs of all this will be. The public stands in the way of their takeover. Provoking war is one option they are willing to consider. Will there be an American Tiananmen Square? Those string-pullers at the top wouldn't mind. They could put the FEMA camps we read about to use as prisons and concentration camps for our citizens without batting an eye.

The globalists and their dupes have no regard for Americans' well being. The gang members and jihadists could be used, and some other countries have no particular regard for America if they're not getting what they want from us.

At this point, we do have a chance to prevail over chaos and destruction. The fact that Donald Trump, and not Hillary Clinton, was elected represents an opportunity for America to be preserved, albeit through some weird and troubling times. There must be some recognition of the dangers by the American people, many of whom want little to do with politics. But we must keep in mind what some wise person said: “You may not take an interest in politics, but politics may very well take an interest in you.” I do not believe the worst is inevitable. But the threat is there.

The American people still have some regard for what America is supposed to represent: freedom, virtue, justice, and truth.

People need to be praying every day for America, for our president, his administration and supporters, and for those deceived citizens who are making themselves adversaries of our nation. As we celebrate Independence Day, we should reflect on its real meaning to our country, and the great things that are at stake.