Pro-Constitution, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, and usually with an attempt at historical and economic context ************************13th Year ----- 2009-2021*****

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

American Self-Rule or Globalist Ruin: Choose One

By Eddie Howell

Some Republicans abandoned Trump after release of his lewd comments about women. The debate helped to show the need to defeat Hillary and elect Trump. Much greater issues are at stake. Remember, Hillary has public and private positions on the issues. On immigration, she is for amnesty, sanctuary cities, and open borders. Several issues each alone would be enough reason to vote against her: Supreme Court nominations, Second Amendment, socialized medicine, etc., etc.

Some well-known Republicans have withdrawn their endorsements of GOP nominee Donald Trump in the wake of comments he made 11 years ago. While no public official should fail to reject such comments, those who are so quickly abandoning their candidate are, in my opinion, doing a disservice to their party and America. The issues involved in this election are very much greater than usual, and it comes down to a life-or-death struggle for America as a free and prosperous country vs. a big banana republic ruled by globalist socialist elites, a nation borderless and overrun by suspicious characters.

The current administration, supported by (and in some cases led by) Hillary Clinton has done such damage to the U.S., short- and longer- term, it is incalculable. Trump represents the only real hope we have of improving anything about America that is touched by government. The alternative is a tragic collapse. The globalists are truly frightened of Donald Trump because he represents the restoration of American sovereignty, pride, and world influence, i.e., what used to be the normal American condition.
A “return to normalcy,” if you will.

Today, we have an administration which (1) throws around billions of dollars like they are nothing, racking up unpayable debt; (2) has no intention of restoring economic growth, and wouldn't know how to do it if they did; (3) doesn't mind that America is disrespected around the world; (4) is out to destroy America as a sovereign nation through massive unvetted immigration, sanctuary cities, paid protest mobs, and undermining of respect for police; (6) keeps and tries to increase a permanent government-dependent underclass while reaping their votes; (7) puts forth candidates of proven lawlessness and corruption; (8) always wants higher taxes and more spending; (9) chooses to be disdainful and out of touch with the American people, and (10) hating the Constitution, prefers to rule by decree. It is no exaggeration to say that the federal government is out of control, with policies that constitute treason.

When it comes to comparing these horrible realities with Trump's locker-room talk (which is much like I heard sometimes in high school), comments made eleven years ago, apologized for, and repented of, by Mr. Trump, we must realize he remains our only political hope for preserving our nation.

I agree with Mike Huckabee's comments. The establishment types are afraid Trump will win. Huckabee keeps things in perspective:

It's Quint or the shark. We will get one or the other.

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