Pro-Constitution, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, and usually with an attempt at historical and economic context ************************13th Year ----- 2009-2021*****

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Destroying Western Civilization for Leftist Control

By Eddie Howell

The following short videos are of Professor Alexandre Del Valle’s interview with the French news organization Damoclès. He explains that that the radical left wants to destroy the nation-state and the West, and are using NGOs funded by George Soros and other billionaires, along with criminal organizations, to help accomplish this.

Day by day, we’re seeing more signs that the radical-left-controlled U. S. Democratic Party and the globalist elites of the EU and elsewhere are stepping up their efforts to bring down Western, historically Christian, civilization and nations. The “refugee” crisis engulfing Europe, and the related Islamic jihadist movement have been largely manufactured by leftist globalist elites who want to cement their places in power by replacing the current populations with “immigrants” who will eventually receive full citizenship and voting rights, and, of course, vote for the politicians that encouraged their invasion. This they hope to accomplish even at the cost of the national identity of the European countries, and eventually even their nationhood.

This is also what the left wants to do in America. Their hatred of Donald Trump and his supporters has been stirred up because he represents an obstacle to their plans. Had Hillary Clinton been elected president, she would have facilitated their program as she promised, and soon it would have been arranged that there would be a one-party political system in America, going all in for global socialism. The well-known Clinton and leftist corruption would have been hushed up so much that anyone calling attention to it in an effective way would have to be silenced and discredited.

American sovereignty and freedom are on the line, as is Western civilization itself. The left would like to suppress Christianity and substitute socialism-communism.

Americans and Europeans should realize that socialism and communism are essentially the same thing, and lead inevitably to totalitarian dictatorship and murders of many citizens. There is no chance that “next time” socialism-communism will be set up with better people and a better system than, say, the Stalinist Soviet Union, because socialism-communism is inherently lawless and criminal, and incentivized so that the most cleverly ruthless people are soon in charge, and getting rid of anyone who shows effective opposition, and finally, also getting rid of anyone who fits the leaders’ baseless paranoid fears.

The entire popular appeal of this system is based on class envy and stirred-up anger that encourages atrocities as means to gain power. Rulers like Stalin, Mao, or Hitler are simply the natural results of such a lawless system which finally boils down to the law of the jungle and, in effect, the end of any decent civilization, let alone economic prosperity for any but the top echelons. The promised equality never happens.

The keys to an actual successful (although not perfect) society include individual liberty, free markets, and real justice. These things require, as John Adams said, a virtuous people who possess a love of liberty and country and also an underlying spiritual foundation of faith in God. Also required is a willingness to defend these things. Otherwise, the result will be an oppressive society.

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