Pro-Constitution, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, and usually with an attempt at historical and economic context ************************13th Year ----- 2009-2021*****

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Democrats Upset over Trump's State of the Union Address

Be Eddie Howell

Perhaps one of the biggest stories coming out of President Trump’s State of the Union address is that although he struck a conciliatory tone and themes of American tradition, founding principles and patriotism, the Democrats in his Capitol audience looked like they had never heard of any of these things, and found the whole thing upsetting their stomachs. Yet the people who watched it on TV saw it favorably by 75%.

Paul Joseph Watson, in the following video, gives us a review of their reactions:

My comments:

1. He’s right.

2. Their responses in the chamber and in subsequent tweets reflect very faithfully the current communist line, as you can quickly tell by checking any Communist Party or socialist website. That’s because the so-called “progressives” in Congress are overwhelmingly socialist and many are closely connected to communist organizations. See Trevor Loudon’s book The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists, and Progressives in the U.S. Congress for extensive documentation. Check out Loudon’s You Tube videos.

3. As Loudon pointed out, when a New Zealand leader was warning about communist subversion in that country a few years ago, the man was accused of seeing “communists under every bed.” His astute reply was that the communists are in the bed, and ordering breakfast.

4. Communist goals have not changed since Cold War days. They are not loyal to the U.S., and are partnering with Islamic jihadists to cause chaos in America, through, for example, Antifa and CAIR.

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