Pro-Constitution, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, and usually with an attempt at historical and economic context ************************13th Year ----- 2009-2021*****
Perhaps one of the biggest stories coming out of President Trump’s State of the Union address is that although he struck a conciliatory tone and themes of American tradition, founding
principles and patriotism, the Democrats in his Capitol audience looked like they had never heard of any of these things, and found the whole thing upsetting their stomachs. Yet the people who watched it on TV saw it favorably
by 75%.
Paul Joseph Watson, in the following video, gives us a review of their reactions:
My comments:
1. He’s right.
2. Their responses in the chamber and in subsequent tweets reflect very faithfully the current communist line, as you can quickly tell by checking any Communist Party or socialist website.
That’s because the so-called “progressives” in Congress are overwhelmingly socialist and many are closely connected to communist organizations. See Trevor Loudon’s book The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists, and Progressives in the U.S. Congress for extensive documentation. Check out Loudon’s You Tube videos.
3. As Loudon pointed out, when a New Zealand leader was warning about communist subversion in that country a few years ago, the man was accused of seeing “communists under every bed.”
His astute reply was that the communists are in the bed, and ordering breakfast.
4. Communist goals have not changed since Cold War days. They are not loyal to the U.S., and are partnering with Islamic jihadists to cause chaos in America, through, for example, Antifa
and CAIR.
The immigration (or invasion) of millions of Muslim “refugees” into Germany is changing that country's society and weakening their German identity to the point that, according to Paul Joseph
Watson, represents total capitulation and surrender to the Islamization of Germany as an inevitability. Other countries in Europe have similar situations. Watson presents a compelling argument which should serve as a warning
to those who want to open their borders to massive Muslim immigration. The following video explains:
Germany's experience shows the dangers of mass immigration of people in the name of humanitarianism and “diversity” when many of those people are out to destroy the host society and impose
an alien way of life, while bringing greatly increased violent crime and no assimilation. President Trump is right to demand “extreme vetting” and substantially reduce the intake of refugees.
In his 1958 anti-communist book The Naked Communist, W. Cleon Skousen listed “45 Goals of Communism,” based on his research and events of the time. Skousen was not without
his critics, whose main arguments were ad hominem, not substantively addressing the arguments he developed in his books and speeches. The 60th Anniversary Edition of The Naked Communist develops Skousen’s notes to show the current level of progress of these goals, which is considerable. The goals, some of which have been entirely fulfilled,
some partially, and only one not at all, are still in effect. Although the Soviet Union collapsed, communism did not. It’s still alive and active. There are numerous communist and communist-related organizations in the
U. S. besides the Communist Party USA. Some of these have been described in my recent blog articles, citing information from authorities such as Skousen, Herbert Romerstein, Trevor Loudon, M. Stanton Evans, and Whittaker Chambers.
Communists have not forgotten or abandoned any of these goals, and through their agents and others in the U.S., including governments at all levels, still work to achieve and maintain them. The following video, released by Skousen’s publisher, lists these 45 specific goals.
Do you recognize some pattern here, in terms of developments the past few years? These communist organizations are loyal to neither the U. S. nor our Constitution, as their own websites clearly
indicate. For example, seehere and here.
The Communist Party is like the
multi-headed hydra of myth. It appears in many guises and under many
names – the party itself, their close allies the Democratic
Socialists of America, their front groups, their donors, their labor
unions (they control the AFL-CIO), their entertainment industry
contacts, MSM people, people in academia, and many useful idiots. Since they have people at the levers of power, a relatively small number of people wield great influence in American society. Few Americans
understand that we have a serious threat on our hands.
Then there's the Robert Mueller
investigation, which has the leftists salivating and hoping for an
outcome of impeachment or worse.
Besides the above-mentioned, we have
the thugs of Antifa and Black lives Matter, and the communists
running much of the states of California and Minnesota. In America,
organized socialists and communists are basically the same thing, and
include most “Progressive” and “Liberal” Democrat
politicians. Right now they are working to bring down Donald Trump,
and America, by creating chaos in America through street rioting,
encouraging radical Muslim jihad, and numerous other efforts.
Having gotten a good start under
communist President Barack Obama, whose administration still has its
socialist fingerprints on much of our government, the “Resistance”
is quite active, and has been fairly successful in recruiting
ignorant young people into its fold. The following are a few facts
about these problems:
George Soros, a major donor to
communist causes, recently allocated $18 billion of
his fortune to his “charitable” foundations and political
organizations, to use for such things as paying rioters and
protesters and financing voter fraud, etc. (It's also a tax
The Hollywood elites continue to
accuse Donald Trump and his supporters of being racists, bigots,
etc. The Golden Globes Oprah-fest speeches were mostly about the
sexual predators, but Robert De Niro managed to work in a
profanity-laced tirade against the president.
The Democratic Party is home to
many communists and socialists among its politicians and
bureaucrats, who cannot support our Constitution because socialism
is unconstitutional, and they are therefore in violation of their
oath of office, not to mention the fact that their loyalty to the
United States is at best extremely questionable.
The Communist Party USA,
despite its denials, was controlled by and loyal to the Soviet
Union, and heavily involved in Soviet espionage from the the 1930s
through World War II (when the Soviets were our allies), and the
Cold War. Communists in the U.S. government were influential
enough to make sure that the communists took control of China after
the war. They guided the details, although FDR and Eisenhower,
unlike Churchill, were anxious to please Stalin because of Russia's
participation in the war. American Soviet agent Alger Hiss was part
of the American delegation to the Yalta Conference as an adviser to
President Franklin D. Roosevelt.* Later, Hiss participated in the
founding of the United Nations and was its first Secretary-General.
Especially since the Obama
Administration, most of the major news media has become the
propaganda arm of the leftists, pretty much killing traditional
American journalism. It's doubtful it can be brought back.
And now, one of the fronts the
communist-guided leftists are working on is raising questions about
Donald Trump's mental health (which seems considerably better than
their own), with psychiatrists unethically diagnosing trouble where
they haven't examined the patient. Liberal law professor Alan
Dershowitz, a principled man who isn't part of this charade,
recognizes the seriousness of the problems this can cause and speaks
eloquently against it on Fox News Channels “Fox and Friends”
The solution to this is not simple and
certainly not easy, but it is possible, and, I believe, would include
the following things, among others:
Get the Justice Department to look
into dealing with disloyal organizations and violent “protesters.”
Promote a plan to get back, as
much as we can, to the founding principles of America. We have
strayed quite a lot from them and are paying the price for it. I
think the best readable book I've seen that explains what these
principles are, what they're based on, and how they have been used,
is W. Cleon Skousen's excellent The Five Thousand Year Leap:
Twenty-Eight Ideas That Are Changing the World.
people on our Constitution.
background checks for federal legislators to serve on committees of
the Muslim Brotherhood and Antifa terrorist organizations.
for a strong spiritual awakening in America. The ultimate answer to
our situation is to get our nation right with God. This does not
mean we should be a theocracy. But the Founders knew that a
successful republic requires a religious and virtuous people.
government promotion of social experimentation and gender confusion.
the border and fix illegal immigration. Send “refugees” back
home if possible.
reinforce law and order. There should be no sharia law in the U.S.
and there should not be any “no-go” zones. Violent demonstrators and rioters must be dealt with firmly. Give law enforcement
adequate support and protection to do their jobs.
to keep an optimistic and cheerful attitude, and don't lose your
sense of humor. This isn't over yet!
*Herbert Romerstein and Eric Breindel,The Venona Secrets: Exposing Soviet Espionage and America's Traitors. Washington, DC: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2000, Kindle edition, 135-137.
The globalist NWO elites, including the
big banking cartel (represented by the Federal Reserve, U.S. Treasury Department, and the Financial Stability Board, and others) seem
to have found a way to effectively shield the biggest banks from
punishment for their financial crimes.
video at The Daily Bail,
Bailout Films' “All the Plenary's Men” is
instructive. It's an hour long and gets a bit technical, but you
can's miss the message. The Financial Stability Board (FSB) (under
the Bank for International Settlements, or BIS) is an international
organization that claims it has the authority to enforce “global
standards” for banks and financial institutions. Apparently, one of
its main functions is to protect the biggest banks by proclaiming
their several “immunities” against prosecution, document seizure,
asset seizure, and prosecution of individuals, among other
privileges, in violation of U.S., British, and probably other
nations' laws, but immunities which the Obama Departments of Justice
and the Treasury followed on orders from their British FSB
colleagues, violating U.S. laws.
The FSB considers these particular
banks “too big to fail and too big to jail.” That is why in the
HSBC's serious money-laundering scandal, U.S. portion (2013), HSBC
was allowed to negotiate its own fine, and never turned over any
information that it did not itself select, nor did the company or any
of their people face criminal prosecution, but the offending senior
bankers were fired and the company paid a large fine (over $1.5
billion) that it calculated for itself. Thus the organization
protects the big banks and supersedes national laws, which the
federal government seems OK with. Rule of law, anyone?
Paul Joseph Watson, in the following video, gives an honest
evaluation of modern art (which is actually not art). These are literal garbage or stupid, ugly “creations,” but people often manage to
get paid major amounts of money for them. The video skewers the fakery and
pretentiousness of these offensive and sorry pieces, and shows how
they fit in to the “politically correct” mold of the Social Justice Warriors of
today, much as Socialist Realism fit into the communist line in the
Soviet Union. Anything not complying is dismissed and made
Caution: contains strong language
As an additional note, in the
anti-communist classic The Naked Communist, W. Cleon Skousen's
list of “The 45 Goals of Communism,” No. 23 reads,
Control art critics and directors of
art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive
meaningless art.”*
Bear in mind that communist goals have
not changed, and are being actively pursued in America today.
*W. Cleon Skousen, The Naked
Communist: Exposing Communism and Restoring Freedom. Salt Lake
City: Izzard Ink Publishing Company, 2017. Originally published 1958,
Kindle ebook location 5229.