Pro-Constitution, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, and usually with an attempt at historical and economic context ************************13th Year ----- 2009-2021*****

Thursday, September 28, 2017

How Socialists Are Taking Over America

By Eddie Howell

The present day “Liberal” or “Progressive” movement, owes much, if not most, of its present-day power to the Fabian Society of Britain, and their political offspring, the Fabian Society in the U.S. and its numerous affiliates, past and present. The American left is currently graced by such luminaries as Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, Nancy Pelosi, and Chuck Schumer, as well as many other politicians, government bureaucrats, judges, “mainstream journalists” of print and television, plus numerous supporters in the entertainment field, among many others,

The left seems oddly united in purpose, program, and message. This not accidental, but is the result of careful planning over many years, aimed at gradually establishing a world socialist government, by bringing down the United States as a sovereign nation, and making it instead a borderless unit in a world socialist federation under central control of a worldwide authority. The end result would likely be the equivalent of Soviet Communism at its worst, producing tyranny, poverty, and great loss of human life through murder of citizens, famine, wars, etc.

[This would correspond to the end-times Antichrist as described in the Book of Revelation. It is at root a satanic effort, that seems to be proceeding according to schedule. If this is the case, it will be stopped by the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. I believe the mechanisms necessary for the setting up of the end-time temporary rule of the Antichrist are already in place to a great extent, but the further discussion here will focus on secular events which, if not stopped won't be long in destroying America as a sovereign nation.]

The Fabian movement, and its soulmate, the organization known as Americans for Democratic Action, have managed to place selected and trained individuals in positions of responsibility in government, arts and letters, and numerous other places of responsibility and power, starting very modestly, and working mainly through college professors and friendly politicians, economists and others. Thus the levers of power are now largely in the hands of socialists, who avoid calling themselves socialists, for fear of public rejection.

An early logo of the British Fabians contained a drawing representing a wolf in sheep's clothing, since that is how they viewed themselves. They used the words democratic and liberal instead of socialist. Their plans have been largely successful because few people outside the Fabian movement knew what was going on, and those who reported on it were few and not widely read by the British or American people. Most people trust the authorities and do not bother with a lot of political reading.

I have been among those who, although having heard of Fabian socialism, and that it was a group trying to bring about socialism gradually by peaceful means, had no idea what they have actually accomplished. We certainly are not reading much about them in the MSM, and they would probably act offended if you called their ideas socialist. Conservative news and opinion outlets rarely if ever mention them, but they actually constitute the greatest threat to America outside of a nuclear attack.
The following is a brief list of their goals:
  1. To undermine American independence and power as a sovereign nation.
  2. To weaken our economy through large deficit spending and unmanageable debt.
  3. Through a globalist economic structure, to move American jobs and resources to other countries.
  4. To increase American foreign aid and get little in return.
  5. To work toward a more massive welfare state, culminating in global socialism under a strong central authority.
  6. To promote massive immigration, legal or illegal, i.e. open borders.
  7. To promote contentious political quarrels that result in civil unrest.
  8. To avoid harm to socialist or communist countries.
The current Fabian symbol is no longer a wolf in sheep's clothing, but a tortoise with the words “When I strike, I strike hard.” And it seems to be poised to strike harder soon.

The Fabians, who control the Labour Party in Britain, managed to establish socialism in the 1940s and came close to wrecking the British economy and bankrupting the country. By 1950, the people were ready for a different administration, and were tired and impoverished by the socialists' attempt at creating a workers' paradise. But of course, the socialists placed much blame on the American economy, despite the fact that America had provided them many gifts of money and other items, although it could not continue to do so. Socialism doesn't work!

The early Fabians virtually idolized Stalin and the Soviet Union, conveniently overlooking the bloodbath of the Russian Revolution and ongoing atrocities. The Fabians never put up any serious opposition to communism. Fabian leaders visited Moscow and came back with glowing reports.

Prominent Fabians in Britain included Sidney and Beatrice Webb, Clement Atlee, and Harold Wilson.
Prominent American Fabians included Dean Acheson, Harry Hopkins, Dean Rusk, Eleanor Roosevelt, Adlai Stevenson, Margaret Mead, Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and Walter Lippman, among others, and numerous “cooperators.” Rose L. Martin has several lists of names in the appendices of her book Fabian Freeway (see below).

Whatever their organizational affiliations may be, most leading Democrat politicians and leftists in general would probably feel at home among Fabian socialists, and are working, wittingly or not, toward Fabian goals.

The obvious reason for the leftists' hysterical hate campaign against Donald Trump is that he is now the main obstacle to American adoption of full-on globalism. This will likely continue until Trump is out of the picture or until Trump prevails and the globalists are defeated. This will take a political awakening on the part of American patriots to the dangers, and probably will require a spiritual awakening in America also. We should pray for President Trump and pray that the socialists will be defeated.

Recommended reading:
Rose L. Martin, Fabian Freeway: The High Road Road to Socialism in the U.S.A., with foreword by Loyd Wright. Belmont, MA: Western Islands, 1966. This book is available free in PDF format at It is very detailed and well-documented.

John T. Flynn, The Road Ahead: America's Creeping Revolution. New York: The Devin-Adair Company, 1949. This is an earlier book, written around the time socialism was threatening the collapse of Britain, and warned that socialism was making such headway in America as to be a very serious threat. Also available free at in PDF format.

Edward R. Pease, The History of the Fabian Society. New York: E. P. Dutton & Company, 1906. This one can be considered an official Fabian Society publication. This book was available free at in Kindle format on 09/28/2017.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

On Progressive Hurricane Politics

By Eddie Howell

To relieve the monotony of their mostly rigid socialist/fascist ideology, “progressives” vary in their opinions and statements depending on their jobs and, of course, personalities. There seems to be a range of ideas, for instance, about the deadly hurricanes the U.S. is currently experiencing. Jennifer Lawrence, beautiful, talented, and quite likable actress has come up with the profound statement that the hurricanes are a punishment (Mother Nature's wrath) for electing Trump. That must have required some deep thinking.

Show-biz people often use the platforms they've earned as entertainers to make proclamations about serious subjects, sometimes well, as in PSAs for hunger relief. Often, these days, not so well, as lashing out against President Trump and any and every thing having to do with him or his associates. For example, [momentarily off the topic of hurricanes] George Clooney was showing his own obnoxiousness by calling Steve Bannon a “failed f***ing screenwriter,” with further obscene comments about him. Way to go, George, diminishing yourself and your industry in the minds of decent people. But Hollywood isn't big on decency these days. Would that have anything to do with the decline of the movie business?

Leftist commentators keep looking for something in Trump's disaster response to criticize, as they did, mercilessly and unfairly, to George W. Bush when Katrina struck. So far, the governments' response seems to be going about as well as could be expected.

The perceived link of the hurricanes to “climate change” is, of course, irresistible to the leftists. Their thought leaders will milk every possible drop out of this disaster. Their followers will go along. But the sad truth, inconveniently, is that mankind is not responsible for anything significant to do with the climate. And mankind can do nothing to change it. It's enough to just clean up the pollution from the environment, which has been a pretty successful effort, and must be ongoing. 

Climate change is seen as a cash cow to governments who want to use it as an excuse to raise taxes, issue onerous laws and regulations, which would impoverish the citizens and enrich the top politicians and their cronies (Solyndra on steroids). It would do nothing positive to affect the climate. If you really want to do something positive about the environment, focus on preventing nuclear, chemical, and biological war. The climate-change agenda is a rat-hole not worthy of pouring good money into. But the elites would appreciate it.

Speaking of whom, the reptilian (metaphorically) globalist leaders would use climate change (See Agenda 21) as the excuse for confiscating money and property, and eliminating freedoms, while achieving nothing for the environment or anything else. These people include, but are not limited to, the Clintons, Barack Obama, George Soros, and other Alynski-ites with Orwellian plans.

In fact, the experience of witnessing people helping people in the hurricane flooding brings, to some, a renewed sense of unity, and faith in the human spirit. But to the progressives, everything's political, right down to Melania Trump's shoes. Her critics merely show their own bullying personalities and vindictive natures. As do virtually all the left's leaders and spokespeople these days in their frenzied hate campaign against President Donald Trump.

But occasionally, their comments, such as some by Rep. Maxine Waters, can be useful as comic relief.