Pro-Constitution, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, and usually with an attempt at historical and economic context ************************13th Year ----- 2009-2021*****

Thursday, November 10, 2016

“Not My President”? Try Another Country – or, Just Grow Up, It'll Be O.K.

The election of Donald Trump has very likely saved America from a fatal internal collapse. The domination of the left in our major institutions, especially government, is and has been a palpable threat to our continuation as a sovereign and free nation. Trump has heroically won the election and now must carry out a momentous and difficult plan to “Make America Great Again” and “Drain the Swamp.” A tall order indeed, but very necessary, and one that I think would never otherwise be attempted in this lifetime, let alone succeed.

The left's response is largely indicated by the protest demonstrations in major cities across the U.S. Rent-a-mob thugs, joined by ignorant college students taught by misguided if not evil professors, and also by some people who just want to make trouble. They are protesting and some are committing violent acts. Others are looking for opportunities to do violent things if they think they can get away with it.

Authorities seem unable to enforce permit requirements, and while they are willing to let people exercise their rights to protest, they are usually arresting people whose conduct gets out of hand. One may hope this business will soon wear itself out and things will quiet down. But by what do the protesters try to justify their actions?

“Love trumps hate”? Those who disagree with them aren't loving enough? What are they showing in these protests. To me, it doesn't look like love.

Many having discarded all religion except secularism or atheism, and adopted the overdone vulgarity and rudeness that marks much of our present day interaction, they often have no hesitation to curse and berate Donald Trump in the worst possible language in their demonstrations. This behavior is like that of those the Bible called “sons of Belial” and “worthless men.” If this represents the Democratic Party, it's not likely to attract worthy members. These protesters cannot claim much of a moral high ground with this behavior, and with some still calling for murdering policemen and people who disagree with them.

If they believe in democracy, why protest a legitimate democratic election? Why protest the presidency of a man who has not yet taken office?

Their accusations against President-elect Trump are not only flimsy, but actually false. They lack understanding of American tradition and the principles of political activity. They want the freedom for themselves, but not others.

Universities have become some of the stupidest places in America, and why parents would want to pay good money to send their children to that kind of environment, or why someone would want to be a student there on their own, is a mystery to me. Going to college is for many people difficult enough from the costs, the overwhelming debt, and, these days, the lack of jobs, that it can turn out to be a very negative experience that takes years to get over. Add to that the nonsense that some professors are spewing, and some students buying into, and you have a very bad situation.

When students, some at the behest of their teachers, make unreasonable demands, and administrators gladly comply, reinforcing those demands with more and more onerous rules, the whole business and mission of the university is basically lost. Political correctness is the standard rather than academic achievement. Worthless courses in worthless majors increase. It almost seems that some professors require their students to essentially turn communist if they want good grades. And students are encouraged to be the “precious snowflakes” or “cupcakes” that have to be protected from heretical opinions (i.e., those not shared by the professors and administrators). These opinions have to emphasize gender and ethnic diversity, although not intellectual or political diversity. And “inclusion,” that is, nothing is allowed that might offend someone of the coddled population.

To protect these “students,” “safe spaces” must be provided, “trigger warnings” issued, and professional counseling made immediately available. These considerations might involve racially segregated dorms or classes, and political correctness. Warning signs must be posted, and leaflets distributed. “Masculinity” is always suspect, as is being white.

This is actually the closest thing to fascist dictatorship we currently have in America. It is almost a requirement to refer to those who offend against the political correctness as being fascists or like Hitler. Most of the students and probably most of the professors have no idea what actual fascism is or who Hitler was or what he did.

There are plenty of videos and articles around that appear to show that some college students know little about history. They may have strong opinions, but are not well informed.

I am grateful for organizations like Campus Reform and the Foundation for Individual Freedom in Education (FIRE). Fox News Channel's “On the Record” program had been running a segment called “Campus Craziness,” pointing out some of these ridiculous realities.

If the protests continue and become more violent, there will have to be more robust law enforcement to quell them. Liberal Arts and Social Science education, once justly regarded as a vital part of education is often going begging as something people want to actually study, and is being replaced by pieces of leftist propaganda indoctrination. No more emphasis on actual individualism or thinking for oneself, but rather, the supposed necessity of starting with the right conclusions.

What's especially sad is that many of these college students came to school with a more or less idealistic outlook and a real desire to learn things to make the world better. What they have too often encountered is the bitter leftist political venom of professors.

Hopefully many of these protesters will learn some things to help them become mature enough to appreciate the great blessing of our American political system, that, for all its flaws, is unmatched in history or in the world today.

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