Pro-Constitution, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, and usually with an attempt at historical and economic context ************************13th Year ----- 2009-2021*****

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Alien Invasion

By Eddie Howell

The US is experiencing a political alien invasion these days. In some ways, it resembles "Invasion of the Body Snatchers," because people in positions of responsibility, i.e. leftist Democrats, specifically most of the presidential candidates, appear to have been taken over by alien forces that cause them to lie incessantly and express hatred tirelessly for not only President Trump but also for his supporters, America, and white people in general.

They want others to join them in their hostility, just as the body snatchers tried to talk people into voluntarily becoming one of them.

Their behavior could just as well be ascribed to demon possession or at least demon influence. It seems supernaturally coordinated for the destruction of our country.

Their proposals represent ideas alien to America tradition and our Founding. Indeed Americans have fought, suffered, and died in wars hot and cold to try to rid our planet of murderous dictators pushing these same communist and fascist ideas.

Leftists stir up trouble using straw man issues, racial division, and many false accusations such as "Russian collusion," "white supremacy," and the worn-out tag "racist.' Most ordinary Americans find this very tiresome, but some younger people, after years of socialist indoctrination in schools, have bought into the very destructive identity politics and postmodernism.

It is time that Americans realized that leftist politicians are truly alien to America. They are domestic enemies whose loyalty is to their warped goals of socialism-communism, and they are currently the greatest threat to our country.

They care nothing for national prosperity or even sovereignty but are devoted to destroying America.

They care about the following things:

Abortion up to and beyond the point of birth -- this is a strong indicator of their ultimate disdain for human life;

Disarming the citizenry, so that only the "authorities" will have guns, thus leaving the people defenseless;

Government control over every aspect of citizens' lives;

Higher taxes and more regulations, which would ensure a deep recession and possible depression;

Buying votes by promising "free stuff" such as health care, college, student debt reduction, etc.;

Promoting the evil, lying fraud and hoax of "climate change' propaganda with the Green New Deal, which would wreak death and destruction on our country, while not affecting climate, all at great monetary and human cost;

Open borders, preferential treatment for people who are in our country illegally (potential Democrat voters), and opposing the border wall which would reduce drug and human trafficking;

Allowing filthy conditions in our cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco, Baltimore, and other Democrat-run metropolises;

Calling out as "racist' or "Nazi" any kind of criticism of themselves or their ideas;

Tolerating violence by Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and harassment of public officials and others at their homes and in public -- and doxxing private citizens whom they don't like;

Et cetera.

I don't think there are more than a very few actual liberals among Democratic Party politicians today. There are plenty who are far-left, corrupt, anti-American, and ultimately anti-human. They must be defeated. May God help President Trump and other patriots in their efforts to protect America.