Pro-Constitution, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, and usually with an attempt at historical and economic context ************************13th Year ----- 2009-2021*****

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Leftists In America: Toward the New World Order

White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders graciously sat
 through Michelle Wolf's obscene roast of Sanders and other Trump-
connected people.  -- screenshot.
The White House Correspondents’ Dinner, which President Trump wisely avoided, demonstrated that the leftist political media today is behaving as though they were the “journalistic” scum of the earth. The whole MSM together is, in politics, a net negative for America, and those who cheered “comedian” Michelle Wolf’s disgusting jokes should be banned from further attendance at White House briefings for a long while.

Trevor Loudon is right about socialists and communists in our government being America’s enemies within. They are just as much enemies of America as anyone in Cuba, China, Russia, North Korea, or Iran, or the Mafia. They are dangerous office holders. The leftist Democrat politicians are not loyal Americans in the sense of supporting the Constitution, as their oath of office requires, and so they behave more like enemies instead of simply opponents. Many are very active in socialist and communist organizations.

The same applies to leftist teachers and school administrators, who are busily destroying the youth of America through socialist-communist indoctrination dating back to John Dewey and before, but which has picked up speed in the past 30 to 40 years.

They are poison to American society and to our nation. They hate America, and America shouldn’t be tolerant about that. They are at present the greatest danger our country faces, and they can be formidable. The conservatives and traditionalists are not exactly blameless in allowing this situation to develop. One problem is Americans tend to be trusting of others, and tend not to follow politics beyond the most superficial level if at all. It’s like ignoring cancer until it spreads to destroy the whole body. And leftist politicians are cancer on the body of the United States of America. But they have the power to wake up and change. Those in control of the far-left movement in the U. S. are attempting to sow chaos in hopes of bringing about a communist revolution, and an eventual world government.

Little do most realize that in following what is “fashionable” among leftist thought leaders, they are participating, often unwittingly, in the middle-class-hating global elitists’ plan for world domination under a communist system. Actually, the middle-class members of American government, journalism, and academia, and entertainment are among those most hated by the elites*, although they are able to manipulate and control them through false propaganda and false promises. A look at leftist empires of the 20th century and leftist (socialist-communist) nations today should be enough to convince a reasonable person that the road they (leftists) are on leads to hell on earth. The fact that 44% of millennials reported in a poll that they would prefer to live under socialism instead of capitalism shows a tragic ignorance of history and a serious lack of knowledge about collectivist government.

But – Hate the sin, love the sinner, as Christianity teaches? It’s easy for the average American to hate the sins if they are aware of them and too tempting to hate the sinners as well. But to think that loving the sinner requires one to silently accept their sin is wrong. Ignoring reality is largely what brought us to this point.


*The globalist elites hate the middle class because
They are seen as competitors to the elites who believe they have the right to rule.
Middle-class people have ideas about their rights, which elites do not accept.
Elites regard all individuals except themselves as expendable, and any of the anointed elites who don’t follow the higher leaders are themselves expendable.
The elites want a two-class system: Rulers and everyone else (slaves, serfs, peasants, and servants, in a fixed, permanent class). Only the rulers will be recognized as having rights. The system they prefer is inherently violent and criminal and would result in the murders of many citizens by the authorities.

Human vanity and pride lead people to think they could prosper in the elites’ desired system, but only the established mega-rich would be allowed to rule, and those outside their families and bloodlines would have no status higher than servants. That is, no rights. Also, world population would be greatly decreased through wars, disease, imprisonment, and direct murders. Study Hitler’s Germany, Stalin’s Soviet Union, and Mao’s China for some understanding of how things would work if the New World Order were in place. That is what leftists today are working toward, wittingly or not.

Further reading: Wayne Jett, The Fruits of Graft: Great Depressions Then and Now. Launfel Press, Los Angeles, 2011. Also, view Mr. Jett’s videos on YouTube.

W. Cleon Skousen, The Naked Communist: Exposing Communism and Restoring Freedom. Izzard Ink Publishing, Salt Lake City, Utah, 2017. Originally published, 1958.

Trevor Loudon, Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists, and Progressives in the U. S. Congress, 2013-2015 Edition. Pacific Freedom Foundation, A Nevada Not for Profit Corporation, Las Vegas, NV, 2013. Also, see Loudon's films and videos.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Lowering of Higher Education in America

Photo by Vasily Koloda on Unsplash

"Rarely is the question asked: Is our children learning?” – George W. Bush

Apparently, President Bush 43’s famous grammatically incorrect quote is not being effectively answered by anyone with the power and will to do anything about it in many high schools, colleges, and universities today. It’s pretty well established that many students who are admitted to college are unprepared for college work, yet have no trouble getting in, and once there, many learn little to nothing over their years of “study.” Tucker Carlson on Fox News clearly described problems with colleges and universities on his April 25 program, in a segment series called “Is College Worth It?” (Video below).

Test scores are dropping, but grades are getting higher. College costs are steadily increasing, while the value of the college experience is dropping, and in many cases is actually negative. Student loan debt is beyond what many loan recipients will ever be able to repay. Carlson says, "Colleges barely teach, yet every year they increase their fees. Try that in a private business, you might get indicted for fraud. Do it at an American university and you get billions in taxpayer subsidies."

More rigorous work could help, but college work is much less rigorous than it was not so long ago.
In his excellent blog, Confessions of a College Professor, (linked on this blog), Professor Doom gives us a continuing account of these troubles and their causes. Administrators now rule the higher education world and capitalize massively on the student loan scam. To do this, they try to make sure that students are “happy,” and the Admins penalize the instructors if the students complain about anything.

Administrators use the student loan funds to provide “palaces” and high six-figure salaries for themselves, while most faculty is adjunct (part-time), often qualifying for food stamps, few ever get tenure, and the emphases of the “study” curricula are more on political correctness and SJW topics, and less on academic achievement.

Dr. Doom points out that accreditation is a matter of paying the accreditation fees, and little else, so nothing changes unless criminal charges are brought. Administrators typically get a golden parachute whenever they leave, even if they leave under a cloud. Colleges these days are awash in cash, yet little of it benefits the students in terms of the supposed purpose of the university, and school policies add little to the academic or social quality of the college years, and actual results often demonstrate that it can be a very big waste of time and money.

With all the leftist-socialist-communist indoctrination going on, I repeat my statement from a previous article that colleges are some of the stupidest places in America. A prospective entrant should thoroughly check out any school he or she plans to attend, or risk a very disappointing result if the goal is a true education that can lead to a good future.

As Dr. Doom suggests, the solution would seem to be: Rein in the administrators, who have a chokehold on the system, dismantle the scandalous student loan program, upgrade academic standards, and restore accreditation rules with teeth. Sounds simple, but it’s like trying to get rid of cockroaches, termites, and bedbugs. Not easy, maybe not even possible without serious and strong intervention.

Update 05/01/2018: Removed Twitter link for video and added YouTube embed, removed Carlson photo.

This article does not address the fact that education has been deliberately dumbed down in America since the days of John Dewey and his associates. That’s an article for another day. There are good books on the subject, such as Samuel Blumenfeld and Alex Newman, Crimes of the Educators: How Utopians Are Using Government Schools To Destroy America’s Children. WND Books, Washington, DC, 2015.

Friday, April 13, 2018

My Theory of California Politics: “Progressive” Leaders Don’t Care

(Also applicable to American far leftists in general)

By Eddie Howell

Gov. Jerry Brown (D-CA)
If they did care, they’d act much differently. But the worsening situation is what they prefer.
Their plans seem to be working perfectly.

California is deeply in debt and it’s getting worse.     Leaders* do not care. Middle-class people are leaving in large numbers to escape high taxes, the high cost of living, 
and worsening living conditions. Leaders do not care.  Many people are homeless and living in filth. Leaders do
not care.

Illegal immigrant policies are endangering citizens.     Leaders do not care. State budget: 3/4 of money is to be spent on illegal immigrants. Leaders do not care. Middle-class people who stay will be in increasing danger from crime, disease, etc. If they are wiped out, leaders don’t care. The poor think they’ll eventually benefit from the money and property to be taken from “the rich.” They won’t. Instead, they will face chronic shortages and greater poverty.

Why don’t the leaders care?

CA politics is very largely communist. Leaders hate the middle class “bourgeoisie.”  Leaders will be kept in power by votes of illegal immigrants. Leaders want a two-class system -- mega-rich and serfs.

Leaders will work to silence or destroy opposition as much as they can get away with. It’s OK if the state has no money as long as the leaders have theirs, and they will get more from the state for as long as possible. It will take some time for the illegals to realize they’ve been thoroughly swindled, and by the time they do, it will be too late.

*“Leaders” refers to people in political office, currently in power, in California, who are of the “progressive,” “liberal,” socialist or communist persuasion. Fortunately, there are conservatives and others who oppose their policies.

Illustration: By Don Bachardy -, Public Domain,