Pro-Constitution, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, and usually with an attempt at historical and economic context ************************13th Year ----- 2009-2021*****

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Dumbing Down of America Is Now on the Fast Track

By Eddie Howell

Recent news items:

10 Statues Liberals Want to Destroy” (Newsmax)
They include Mount Rushmore.

ESPN: Decision to Remove Asian Broadcaster Robert Lee from Calling Plays for UVA Game ‘Felt Right’” (CNS News)
Looks like a story from The Onion, but isn't.

BLM Leader Demands White People Give Their Houses to Black Families” (MRC-TV)
So silly it doesn't merit a comment, but this is supposed to be some intelligent person making the demand. And some are taking it seriously, I suppose.

Al Gore's Hype” (Jewish World Review)
Will he get another Nobel Prize or Oscar for this?

Above are referenced just a few of the ridiculous things I believe show that the Dumbing Down of America is picking up speed.

The response to President Trump's reported comments after the Charlottesville tragedy show that now, many news items and events depend on Mr. Trump's statements of the day – in this instance massive criticism and claims that Trump didn't condemn neo-Nazism and white supremacy when he did. But truth means little to the MSM.

The following video features Greg Gutfeld of Fox News on how the media covered the events at Charlottesville:

The full-on anti-Trump hate campaign is not just politics – it's evil. The objective of its puppeteers, like George Soros and other globalists, is to destroy not only Donald Trump, but America as well. The duped individuals who are going along with this nasty business have been radicalized in a very similar way to jihadist radicals.

It is an anti-knowledge, anti-academic, anti-white, anti-human, and anti-freedom campaign aimed at establishing historical ignorance and stoking hate and fear among different groups. When you erase history, that is a form of dumbing down. It is plain dumb to be “intimidated” by a Civil War statue. But these protesters against the Confederacy are being led to think that somehow these statues pose a danger to them. The Civil War ended 150 years ago. Thanks to the Democrats' support of Jim Crow laws and the Ku Klux Klan, racial discrimination and hatred continued. But the progress made in the decades since has been remarkable. Few people seriously advocate or support racism. And slavery is unthinkable.

The globalists and Democrats, deeply stung by Hillary Clinton's loss, have embarked on a seditious campaign to get rid of President Donald Trump. Anything they don't like must be caused by “racism.”
But the racists are most numerous among “Progressive” politicians and race hustlers. Their racism exceeds anyone else's. Black Lives Matter (by the way, do black lives matter in Chicago?) and Al Sharpton stand out, along with politicians who make a campaign out of falsely accusing Donald Trump of racism. But politically, that's about all they have. They have no ideas or program proposals that would improve things for the American people. Those at the top of this movement are not interested in economic prosperity. They are interested in socialism and bringing down the Constitution, and enforcing political correctness.

The goal of socialism is socialism. The end result of the globalists' and “Progressives'” plans would be the end of any restraint on things dear to them, such as forced redistribution, world government, more abortion, and more of many other forms of death. You can be assured that the Democrat leadership and the anti-Trump leaders care nothing for the American middle class or the American people in general. They don't love America, they hate America.

As I have said before, the “loyal opposition” is no longer loyal. America would be better off in the hands of the mafia than the globalists and “Progressives.” The Anti-Trump movement is led by people who want to destroy American history and transform America into a third-world hellhole. This they are attempting partly by deceiving people into thinking that in America as it is today, they are and always will be victims. In fact, the poor in America would be considered very well off in many countries. But the progress of the years since the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in race relations, which has been considerable in terms of education, economic opportunity, and social acceptance of all races, is being systematically destroyed by people falsely claiming to want better race relations. What they really want is to stir up as much trouble and confusion as possible, in order to curtail freedom and physically remove or destroy what and whom they don't like.

The tragedy is that good people can be corrupted and taken in by the Big Lie of the globalists. That is what is taking place in many universities, political bodies, and in our streets. The antifa thugs are truly no better, and in some ways worse, than the despicable white supremacists they claim to oppose. They show their lack of courage by wearing masks, and their cowardice and viciousness by attacking defenseless people. For these people to claim to be anti-fascist is a stupid, ironic, and sick joke. It's amazing that anyone would accept that ridiculous idea. They are actually demonstrating fascism. They are simply the black shirts of the globalists who are paying them. But Saul Alinsky would be proud.

Further reading: L. Brent Bozell III, "The Media Normalize the Antifa Extreme," Jewish World Review, 08/23/2017.

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