Pro-Constitution, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, and usually with an attempt at historical and economic context ************************13th Year ----- 2009-2021*****

Monday, January 23, 2017

Against Globalism – Populism Should Slow Its Growth

By Eddie Howell

Donald Trump's greatest achievement from his presidency could very well turn out to be that he saved America from globalism, at least during his tenure, and hopefully far beyond it. This is no small achievement. It means the preservation of American sovereignty and freedom.

Globalism has been variously defined, as has globalization (which has to do with implementing globalism). Globalism, as used here, means the goal of world rule by a privileged elite, ultimately ruling over humankind at all levels of government, most likely through the United Nations. The UN plan called Agenda 21 (“21” referring to the 21st century) lays out detailed plans for governing at the world, national, and local levels, supposedly in accordance with uniform principles, supposedly for the purpose of facilitating “sustainable development.”

Globalists want to use the threat of human-caused “climate change” (formerly “global warming”) to get nations and local entities to “voluntarily” adopt UN methods of achieving this. A reasonable reading of Agenda 21, or just about any globalist proposal, will show that the goal is not so much sustainable development as sustainable control, by neutralizing the independence and sovereignty of the affected entities (which include everybody).

Globalist politics is, at its core, forcibly imposed communism and anti-capitalism. The stark difference between capitalism and communism (or socialism, if you prefer) is that capitalism represents economic and social freedom, while socialism represents freedom-killing collectivism, and places everyone's economic activity (and ultimately all activity) under the control of the collectivist authorities. Socialism, in all cases where it has been intense to some degree, and practiced for some length of time, has ultimately failed, usually after producing economic and social collapse and the deaths of many citizens, whether through direct murder (execution) by governments, starvation and/or disease. One need only look at the socialist empires of the twentieth century to confirm this. In any country where famine prevails over a lengthy period, you will almost always find corrupt, dictatorial government.

F. A. Hayek says the reason that the worst people are eventually in charge of a centrally-planned economy is that people who are willing to do what most others would not do, get promoted to positions of power:

The principal that the end justifies the means is in individualist ethics regarded as the denial of all morals. In collectivist ethics it becomes necessarily the supreme rule; there is literally nothing which the consistent collectivist must not be prepared to do if it serves “the good of the whole,” because the “good of the whole” is to him the only criterion of what ought to be done... There can be no limit to what its citizen must be prepared to do, no act which his conscience must prevent him from committing, if it is necessary for an end which the community has set itself or to which his superiors order him to achieve.*

The main incentive under socialism is not economic improvement but control over other people. For all their supposed genius, collectivist authorities have no idea how to produce prosperity under socialism, if indeed they wished to. Socialist economics is not supported by any rational economic theory, and only made to sound good through its proclaimed goals and through class envy. The main components of socialist government are supposed good intentions and stirring up envy, although, of course the ones who are supposed to be envied turn out to be the ones in control.

Whatever you think about Donald Trump, he has thrown a very large scare into the globalist elite. For that reason alone, his life may be in danger and people who support him ought to be praying for him and his family every day – and also, the vice president and his family. Evangelical leaders like Franklin Graham and Robert Jeffress believe that God, who ultimately controls everything, has set Mr. Trump in the presidency, and that is a good thing for America. I agree. While world events will work out according to God's design, I will confine my text here to observable historic and economic phenomena.

President Trump's economic plan of lower taxes and far less regulation will produce higher wages, larger profits, and real economic growth. Trump also wants better trade deals, which is laudable, although whether tariffs would accomplish that is very debatable. But the current and proposed trade agreements do not represent free trade as advertised, but, rather, “managed trade,” subject to many rules and regulations, and fraught with unintended consequences, and Trump is wise to prevent us from being entangled in any new ones, and to renegotiate the current ones.

Trump is also wise to not to make climate change a priority. He was correct that it is a hoax. My view is that it is an evil fraud designed to greatly increase government power at the expense of freedom and prosperity. There is no possibility that anything the authorities could actually do would affect the climate in a positive way, and such actions would very seriously undermine people's ability to even earn a living, let alone enjoy a higher living standard. Compliance costs alone could put most businesses out of business.

So, how's the globalist movement going? Not too well, but anti-globalists can't get too comfortable. The elites have the resources and determination to push their cause over years and decades, and they are not going away. Their lust for control and ever greater wealth is never satisfied. Thus Trump's presidency, Brexit, and similar movements in other countries are of great concern to them. Has the world improved under the leadership of the progressive elites? The Middle East is aflame, with some areas in the region a veritable hell on earth. ISIS has not been subdued, and continually plan more terror attacks. So what have the elites done? Brought in ever more Islamic “refugees,” many of whom terrorize and murder their hosts. This is being done under the globalists' noses and with their approval. Meanwhile, as the old Depression-era song says, “The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.”

Whatever the globalists are saying about how their globalism needs to be tweaked to help people other than the rich to benefit more from it, it is actually producing precisely the desired results, and will keep doing so more and more, unless things like Trump's administration, Brexit, European separatist movements and actual national prosperity act to restrain it. Who is encouraging, and often organizing and paying, the influential globalists' hirelings to take to the streets as angry mobs spouting mostly incoherent nonsense? George Soros and other globalists of his ilk.

Lenin said, “The goal of socialism is communism.” Historic features of socialism are starvation, loss of freedom, and mass murder of citizens by government. This is what has happened in Nazi Germany, Communist China, and the Soviet Union, as well as their nearby countries like Rumania, Cambodia, and, most recently, such places as North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, and several Middle Eastern and African countries. That is what the globalist elites are planning for America and the world, intentionally or not.

Globalists have been said to be striving for massive depopulation of the earth “in order to save the planet.” That is a murky subject because it's hard to believe any responsible person would really want to decrease the population by, say, 90%. This is something that is commented on by many who might be regarded as conspiracy theorists, but there are published reports about it. Also, many lives are being lost daily due to war and famine. The programs of GMOs, gun-running, human trafficking, and the like lead to more theory and speculation. Vaccinations have become suspect in the eyes of many. Since depopulation is supposedly a globalist goal, the globalists would probably want to suppress information about it, as not all who hold globalist views would participate in such a goal. However, this aspect of globalism ought to be thoroughly investigated and the facts known. It is claimed, justifiably, that globalists encourage war, and various other destructive things (abortion, for example) which do and will reduce populations. Google “Globalist Depopulation Agenda” for information. More later.

*F. A. Hayek, The Road to Serfdom: Text and Documents, The Definitive Edition. Bruce Campbell, ed.
The University of Chicago Press. Original text 1944, this edition 2007, pp.166-167.