Pro-Constitution, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, and usually with an attempt at historical and economic context ************************13th Year ----- 2009-2021*****

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Bluegrass Bruce: Obama’s Biggest Regret? Failure to Pass Background Checks

Bluegrass Bruce: Obama’s Biggest Regret? Failure to Pass Background Checks:  A few weeks ago, Obama said that his biggest disappointment as President was Congress’ failure to pass background check legislation . Yes, you read that correctly. Of all the things he has bungled and ignored over the past six years, Obama thinks that his failure to limit the Second Amendment is the worst failure his presidency.

Really? That’s all he can come up with?

There are about seventeen million things that he should regret more than failing to take away gun rights from law abiding Americans. In case he forgot, here is a short list to remind him of some of the big ones:

Abandoning Iraq and thrusting the country into civil war.
Using the NSA to spy on millions of Americans.
Spending the country’s future into oblivion.
Bailing out all of those banks and companies that were “too big to fail”.
The unmitigated disaster of Obamacare.

Instead, despite this endless list of screw-ups, Obama’s biggest regret is the fact that Congress didn’t pass a background checks law.

2016 cannot come soon enough.

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