Pro-Constitution, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, and usually with an attempt at historical and economic context ************************13th Year ----- 2009-2021*****

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Oakland Occupiers at It Again

The Occupy movement, which seems to occupy some who should be classified (as the Bible terms are) “sons of Belial” or “worthless men,” has apparently reawakened in Oakland. Even the mayor, Jean Quan, previously their defender and encourager, now has “lost patience” with this foolishness.

According to an AP article by Terry Collins, protesters threw bottles and rocks, and spray painted graffiti on walls, while police responded with tear gas and orders to disperse. Further,
More than 400 people were arrested on charges ranging from failure to disperse to vandalism, police spokesman Sgt. Jeff Thomason said. At least three officers and one protester were injured.

On Sunday, Oakland officials vowed to be ready if Occupy protesters try to mount another large-scale demonstration. Protesters, meanwhile, decried Saturday's police tactics as illegal and threatened to sue.
Of course, in liberal Oakland, they’ll probably find a judge foolish enough to take the case. I recommend reading the entire article.

The Occupy movement has to be one of the stupidest protests in American history, and there have been some weird ones. They are not so much protesters as they are simply a mob bent on destruction for no coherent reason. They are no better than the mob that destroyed things in London not long ago. I just hope the police in Oakland and elsewhere will bear down and break up their little party.

The Occupiers claim to have a right to do what they’re doing, but they obviously are not interested in other people’s rights, i.e., property rights, peace and quiet, etc. The police should vigorously enforce the law and need not be excessively gentle with these people.
If the protesters don’t like America, maybe they should try some other country, like Cuba or China. I wonder if ACORN is out there trying to register them to vote.

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