Pro-Constitution, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, and usually with an attempt at historical and economic context ************************13th Year ----- 2009-2021*****

Saturday, March 5, 2022

U.S. Responsibility Regarding Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

 By Eddie Howell

A good explanation of meddling by the U.S. State Department in Ukraine, leading to a coup in 2014, is given by David Stockman, in an article reprinted at The State Department's unwarranted and unwise activity is very significant in Vladimir Putin's decision to finally invade Ukraine and remove what he sees as a direct threat to Russia right on his doorstep. This, combined with the relentless expansion of NATO, after George H. W. Bush's promise that NATO would not be expanded, and the unacceptable (to Putin) efforts that were made to try to bring Ukraine and Georgia into NATO and the EU -- finally too much, after years of Putin speaking out on these matters. Putin actually showed some patience in not taking kinetic action sooner. 

Also, it should be remembered that then-Vice President Joe Biden was a significant figure in the 2014 coup and thus a contributor to the problem that led to Putin's invasion.

Some Americans still remember the Cuban Missile Crisis, when America was willing to risk nuclear war to force the Soviet Union not to place nuclear missiles in Cuba, 90 miles from Florida. It was bad enough to have to put up with Castro's communist government so close to our shore. Soviet missiles there would have been intolerable. 

And Ukraine is zero miles from Russia. Also, there is the matter of 15 or so U.S.-Ukrainian biolabs that have been doing research (and development?) on bioweapons -- something like the one in Wuhan, China.

Of course, the mainstream media never mentions these things.


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