Pro-Constitution, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, and usually with an attempt at historical and economic context ************************13th Year ----- 2009-2021*****

Wednesday, February 27, 2019

There Were Lower CO2 Levels, but More Extreme Weather in the 1930s

By Eddie Howell

As a follow-up to the previous article, the video below shows that although the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) level in the period 1925-1938 was about 300 parts per million, the level today's climate cultists desire, the 14-year period was rife with extreme weather events, worse than what we're experiencing today with CO2 level at about 410 ppm, showing that the lower CO2 level was not an advantage as far as extreme weather was concerned.

As seen in the previous video, the climateers deceptively show a part of the graph that does not give a historical context, which would show that CO2 levels today are in fact at historically low levels, and are actually too low. Reducing CO2 levels now would actually harm plants by reducing their capacity for photosynthesis, and reducing the oxygen they would produce.

The video is by Tony Heller at (“The Deplorable Climate Science Blog”). The phony climate change hoax is deceiving millions and threatens massive and irreparable harm to America and the world. For example, the Green New Deal would cost many trillions of dollars and yet destroy our civilization. It is so irrational and extreme that it is difficult to see how any reasonable person could view it as helpful.

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