Monsters of Socialism: Joseph Stalin, Vladimir Lenin, Mao Zedong, and Adolph Hitler
By Eddie Howell
A good brief analysis of socialism, by Ayn Rand:
By Eddie Howell
A good brief analysis of socialism, by Ayn Rand:
- The social theory of ethics substitutes “society” for God—and although it claims that its chief concern is life on earth, it is not the life of man, not the life of an individual, but the life of a disembodied entity, the collective, which, in relation to every individual, consists of everybody except himself. As far as the individual is concerned, his ethical duty is to be the selfless, voiceless, rightless slave of any need, claim or demand asserted by others. The motto “dog eat dog”—which is not applicable to capitalism nor to dogs—is applicable to the social theory of ethics. The existential monuments to this theory are Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia.*
At the risk of beating the same drum and repeating certain points, I’m posting yet another article on this topic. (Other topics will follow, such as the vicious land theft by the communist ANC in South Africa and the continuing implosion of American higher education thanks to Marxist teachers and money-grabbing administrators who care little for actual education.)
The radical left, as many have observed, are involved in a frenzied effort to bring down the presidency of Donald Trump. Beyond this, the goal is to bring down the United States as a sovereign and free nation and also establish socialism (thereby destroying the U.S. Constitution), and help create a Marxist world government.
Whether you call Marxism socialism or communism**, it is an inherently and historically evil, lawless, and very murderous system. If socialism were established in the United States, it would be preceded by leftist atrocities, and violence would continue long afterward, leaving many dead. Freedom would be a thing of the past. The cost of the “free stuff” would be great in lives, property, dignity, and liberty.
No one in China, Russia, North Korea, or Iran is a greater threat to America than the socialist and communist leaders in the United States, in or out of our government. The “blue wave” the leftists hope to create would be a step toward implementing soul-crushing communism.
No matter how much they talk about “democratic” socialism, it is democratic only in the sense that the leftists would like to get into office through democratic elections, then, when the timing is right, to seize power violently to overthrow capitalism, and continue with violence in order to silence and suppress those who oppose them.
There are probably 60 to 80 members of Congress who are members of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), and many work closely with the Communist Party USA, which is very closely associated with the DSA, as are other far-left organizations. The members of Congress could not pass a routine FBI background check, yet they are often found on sensitive Congressional committees. They are not loyal citizens of America, but domestic enemies.
The leftists have convinced a large number of naive, ignorant young people, after years of leftist indoctrination in schools and colleges, that socialism is something to be desired. With the evil and destructive postmodern ideas promoted in our educational system (at the cost of much actual education), people think socialism will lead to Scandinavian-style welfare and a happier nation.
They fail to see that as an economic system it is based on no rational theory, and planned economy is never going to produce prosperity or equity. The Scandinavian countries have turned to more free-market ways because a centrally-planned economy is entirely arbitrary, and the planners truly do not know how to plan, and are usually at odds with each other.
The political side of socialism is the worst. Under the guise of good intentions, socialist leaders exploit the working class and the poor for votes and political gain, and then fail to deliver the promised utopia. Under socialism, the most clever criminals are very soon in control, and many who led the revolution are summarily murdered. Since constitutional protections cease to exist, as they assuredly will, the people are defenseless against the suffering meted out at the leaders' whims.
There is no possibility of doing Marxism “right,” as evidenced by its brutal and bloody history. It inevitably creates a dictatorship and terror police state. The secret police cannot be avoided. As suggested by the anti-Christian attitude among leftists today, religion is punished. Worship of the Dear Leader is preferred, that is until the Dear Leader gets shot in the back of the head and another takes over, who may even claim his predecessor was a counter-revolutionary and had to be removed. That is, until the new ruler suffers the same fate or until one ruler is able to consolidate power for a long time.
Socialist leaders are like the serpent in the Garden of Eden. He put doubts about the quality of life Adam and Eve were experiencing, and made the temptation sound very good. The result was that their paradise was destroyed. The U.S. is a paradise compared to just about any country in the world. But socialists would turn it into a Third World type hell-hole of poverty, murder, and strife.
“Progressives” have already been wreaking destruction in many of our major cities. Their goal seems to be to turn our country into a larger-scale Venezuela, create chaos through senseless violence, do everything they can to bring down the Trump presidency, and with it the Constitution. Their tactics and poisonous results are becoming known to more and more voters, who see through their communist propaganda, and reject it. To preserve America as a sovereign and free nation, free from Marxism, is a cause worth fighting and, if necessary, dying for, defending our nation against enemies foreign and domestic.
Violence should always be the last resort, and this struggle can, and likely will be won without civil war, but in this titanic struggle, we must not lose. As Ronald Reagan said, “There is a point beyond which they must not advance.”
** Nazism is not Marxism, but it is socialism.
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