Pro-Constitution, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Socialist, Anti-Communist, and usually with an attempt at historical and economic context ************************13th Year ----- 2009-2021*****

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Communist Goals Have Been Progressing for Decades, Too Successfully

In his 1958 anti-communist book The Naked Communist, W. Cleon Skousen listed “45 Goals of Communism,” based on his research and events of the time. Skousen was not without his critics, whose main arguments were ad hominem, not substantively addressing the arguments he developed in his books and speeches. The 60th Anniversary Edition of The Naked Communist develops Skousen’s notes to show the current level of progress of these goals, which is considerable. The goals, some of which have been entirely fulfilled, some partially, and only one not at all, are still in effect. Although the Soviet Union collapsed, communism did not. It’s still alive and active. There are numerous communist and communist-related organizations in the U. S. besides the Communist Party USA. Some of these have been described in my recent blog articles, citing information from authorities such as Skousen, Herbert Romerstein, Trevor Loudon, M. Stanton Evans, and Whittaker Chambers.

Communists have not forgotten or abandoned any of these goals, and through their agents and others in the U.S., including governments at all levels, still work to achieve and maintain them. The following video, released by Skousen’s publisher, lists these 45 specific goals.

Do you recognize some pattern here, in terms of developments the past few years? These communist organizations are loyal to neither the U. S. nor our Constitution, as their own websites clearly indicate. For example, see here and here.

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